Monday, June 2, 2008

Autumn in the Country

Here's some tips from Gooseberry Patch's Autumn in the Country cookbook. If you are not familiar with these books, I highly recommend them. They are fabulous for their recipes (mostly country type food, but quick and easy usually!), but they have great tips on the bottom of each page as well.

Here's a few that I've either done or plan to do this year:

*Top decorative urns with plump pumpkins for a quick and easy doorstep welcome. Orange pumpkins are oh, so cheerful, or try white Lumina pumpkins for a ghostly appearance!

*Enjoy a weekend retreat, at home or away! Spend the day in your jammies...savor a leisurely brunch, work puzzles, re-read a favorite book or browse holiday catalogs. What could be cozier?

*Put away summer toss pillows for the season...set out warm & cozy cushions of flannel or fleece

*Go out and greet the sunrise! Wrap warm breakfast breads in a vintage tea towel before tucking into a basket...add a thermos of hot coffee or tea

*Stir caramel topping into a mug of hot cider for an instant warmer-upper

*Carve an extra Jack O'Lantern or two and deliver to elderly neighbors so they can enjoy some Halloween fun...what a neighborly gesture!

*Set mini pumpkins on top of terra cotta pots...line them up the front porch steps for a cheery welcome!

*An oh-so-simple harvest decoration...roll out a wheelbarrow and heap it full of large, colorful squash and pumpkins

*Tuck some aluminum foil wrapped apples or sweet potatoes into campfire coals for a treat. When they're tender, sprinkle with brown sugar or right from the foil packet.

And, finally a quote that I just love:

All seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happiness within. Horace Friess

Carry happiness within!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful ideas!!