Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome to Fall at the Hamlet!

Halloween is over and it's time to turn my focus to Thanksgiving. If you know me, you know that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I think any holiday that makes Thursday special is OK by me, but add in faith, family, food and football and honey-you've got a first class holiday!!

I'm hoping to share my holiday plans on this blog. However, as you know from past experience with me, my blogging is spotty, at best. But I promise I'll try. So, here's my first effort!

I made caramel apples for the kiddos last night for after trick or treating, just in case they didn't consume enough sugar from their candy. They aren't pretty, but they tasted good. Conner was especially happy about them, since his dad refused to make him some. Hang with Aunt Cathy, Conner...I'll take care of you!

This is on our living room mantle. My mom made the plate a few years ago, and when I was working on my mantle display, it just seemed to naturally fit, with the pumpkins and all the autumnal colors.
This is on top of the kitchen cabinets. This rooster often lives in the living room, but right now he's hanging out on the tops of the cabinets.

The corner of the kitchen cabinets. I picked up that basket from a flea market a few months's huge...for only $5! And it's grapevine, my favorite kind of basket!

Hang with me! I'll be sharing some recipes, photos and plans for Thanksgiving in the upcoming weeks! It's getting closer every day!!

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