Here's what I started with:
A couple of bags of leaves, picked up at Wal-Mart for $1 each, and a table runner that was on sale for $5, also at Wal-Mart. I wasn't all that crazy about the color of the runner at first, but after I finished it....
I loved it! I just used my hot glue gun and glued the leaves on, focusing on the ends mostly, but sprinkling some on the middle of the runner, too...
I plan to use it on the dessert buffet at our Thanksgiving celebration!
Ever Grateful,
PS-hop over to Haunted Hamlet and see what's on my front porch!!
Oh very beautiful and fally. I made one like that for Christmas using poinsettias. Looks expensive.
Oohh, poinsettias! I'm heading over to Dollar Tree today, I'm going to see if they have any poinsettias out yet...thanks, friend!!
Oh the dollar tree has plenty of poinsettias bushes out, in several colors and textures. I used the velvet ones on my runner.
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